Stop Guessing and Start Correcting with the TCSP x Garage 61 Official Integration!
From the beginning, Team Conti Sim Performance has aimed to be the ultimate performance provider across the top three NASCAR series on iRacing. From the onset, we've set out with a mission of pairing sim racers with elite level talent, past & present, and have been able to help hundreds of racers improve their on-track performance.
We are excited to announce that we've partnered with Garage 61, a leader in the iRacing performance improvement and management scene, and will now offer all subscribers access to our full suite of setups, videos, reference documents, data, and driver telemetry within the G61 web-based tool! And as the graphic below mentions, this add-on will be INCLUDED with all subscriptions. That's right, TCSP subscriptions just became an even better value than they were before...and they were already pretty stout.
So, whether you wish to do a deep dive of Michael Conti's data over a 30-lap run or want to watch Nick Ottinger's weekly track guides from a centralized location, the TCSP/G61 integrated data packs will house all of your weekly TCSP go-to's in one convenient, easy to access location.
How to Link & Leverage the TCSP x Garage 61 Integration
How to: Link & Leverage the TCSP x Garage 61 Integration

We've got you covered.

All Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly subscribers will be eligible. Weekly setup pack purchasers will not be able to utilize the integration.
Subscribers will have access to TCSP-built data packs in G61, including:
- Race setups
- Qualifying setups
- YouTube tutorials
- Comprehensive notes document
- Qualifying run & telemetry
- Race run & telemetry
Subscribers can then leverage this data, specifically the telemetry, and compare their own data to our TCSP builders'.
All setups within Garage 61 data packs will auto sync to their associated cars' setup folders. If an updated setup is added to the data pack mid-week, that setup will auto sync as well. The days of missing a setup update or struggling to drag & drop to the correct folder are gone!
No, subscribers receive TCSP x Garage 61 access for FREE. This is 100% added value to our subscriptions for zero extra cost.
- If you don't have one already, create a Garage 61 account here.
- Click here to link your & Garage 61 accounts.
- Your accounts should link and as a result, you should have access to data packs for the vehicle(s) you're subscribed to.
Data packs that have already been delivered to you will remain accessible - you will not lose access to them. Additional data packs will continue to be delivered through the end of your subscription's term. For example, if you cancel today, but your subscription is paid through the end of next month, you'll continue to receive additional data packs until the end of next month.
In effort to allow our Founders & Ambassadors to access pertinent data without running the risk of accidentally sharing your TCSP setups with non-TCSP drivers, we strongly encourage the following privacy setting configuration:
- Driving Activity - ON
- Telemetry - ON
- Setups - OFF
Based on the recommended security settings listed above, the only data you'll share publicly is your driving activity, i.e. the track & vehicle your racing, and your telemetry, i.e., your inputs, lap times, etc. Setup data will not be available to anyone, including TCSP Founders or Ambassadors. So, if you are a subscriber to multiple performance providers, don't worry - we can't see any of your setups, TCSP or otherwise.
If you are not comfortable with sharing your driving activity or telemetry, you are welcome to turn those parameters off, but it will prohibit TCSP Founders from accessing your data quickly in the event you need immediate assistance. You'll still be able to share the data, but you'll have to manually allow us to view it.
- Setups are automatically synced to your PC.
- You have access to driving data from top-level, Pro-caliber drivers.
- You can compare your data to our Founders in as little as 30 seconds.
- All of your weekly resources are in one centralized location.
- And the best part? This add-on is FREE and is an added perk to being a TCSP subscriber!
For general inquiries, questions on initial setup, etc., there are three options:
- Submit an inquiry via our Discord's Help Desk channel. Join our Discord here.
Send an email to:
Submit an inquiry via the contact form below.
To understand how to analyze your driving, compare to a Founder, and for more nuanced, specific driving coaching, we recommend booking a session via our Coaching pages. All coaches utilize Garage 61 during 1-on-1 sessions.
- TCSP Founders access subscribers' data throughout Sunday group test sessions to gain valuable insights about each drivers' areas of opportunity and coach drivers based on these findings.
- TCSP coaches use Garage 61 to compare their students' driving data versus theirs in 1-on-1 coaching sessions.
Throughout the week, subscribers are encouraged to send their data for review (via Discord) to the Founder who is their car's point of contact.
Still Need Help? Contact Us!
Please fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.